Crash Co.

Demolition. Destruction. Chaos. Speed. These words best describe what Crash Co. is all about.

Control over a transport carrying an experimental dark matter weapon has been lost and unfortunately it still remains in motion. Your mission is to prevent a collision (leading to a global catastrophe) by destroying any and everything that can get in its way! If this premise sounds familiar, then you likely played Blast Corps on the Nintendo 64. My goal with Crash Co. is to deliver a re-imagining of this experience while improving on any aspects that I can.

You will accomplish the task at-hand by controlling a variety of vehicles, from bulldozers and helicopters to a variety of mechs. When not clearing the path for the transport, there is a range of mini-games to partake in, including: races, demolition derbys, sidescroller shoot-em-ups, and even running platformers (akin to BIT.TRIP Runner).


* Multiple vehicles ranging from helicopters, to bulldozers, and even Mech’s.
* A wide range of mini-games that are hidden and waiting to be unlocked.
* Simple and responsive arcade-style handling of the vehicles.
* Varied environments and scenarios involving tons of destruction and puzzles.
* That always satisfying feeling of destroying things!

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