Golem Rage

Golem Rage is a fast beat-them-all mixing time racing, and more or less bashing everything that stands in your way.
'Cause you're a wooden Golem, half stupid, half warmachine, but fully lovable.
You don't know why you were created, and now you're just looking for a place feeling like home.

Join an indie adventure with lots of humor... and punches!

Discover 7 environments, 54 levels, 6 attacks for your Golem, and 11 unique enemies!
Die & retry the levels until you get the gold medals and all the unlockable passive boosts!
The game consists in short levels, with enemies in various formations, trying to stop you. From the basic disposable lazy soldier
to the Berserk Women, the Time Mage, and many others !

The only objective : finish the level and escape !
Get your Golem a home!

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