Overwatch Companion

Bl4ckSh33p-Soft is happy to announce that our unofficial* companion app for the highly anticipated multiplayer shooter "Overwatch" is now available for Windows 10 devices.

The companion app is available free of charge and offers vital information about the game and its elements. To name a few:
- Shows a countdown for the release of the game
- Shows the currently active "Weekly Brawl"
- Lists all available 21 heroes and their roles (more details and all abilities coming soon)
- Information about the game (roles, maps, gameplay, game modes, progression and customization)
- View and download wallpapers for different screen sizes

We are continually adding more content like details about all 21 heroes and an overview of all abilities. Future updates will also include useful hints and guides for the game.

The next update will include an overview of currently known "Weekly Brawls" and the first in depth info about some heroes.

*This app is not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment.

App release date: 14.05.2016
App website: http://bl4cksh33p-soft.jimdo.com/anwendungen/overwatch-companion/
App Download: https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh4vs8v

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