Toby's Monster

Toby’s Monster - A fairytale of wingless dragons, exploration and evolution.

PAY ONCE - PLAY FOREVER! Parents don’t worry, there are absolutely ZERO In-App Purchases or Ads in this game.

Toby’s Monster is a fairytale odyssey originating in a long lost age. Presently Toby, our unsung and valiant hero, sets out on an epic quest that will forever change his life...

Toby, the bravehearted explorer, set out in search for the greatest treasure the world has ever seen. Deep in a lost cave after years of excavating, he finally found what he was looking for - the elusive  Golden Egg. Legend tells us, that with the proper amount of patience, love and care the egg will grow into the most spectacular beast the world has ever seen.

Buckle up, download and play today!


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