
This game indirectly teaches it's players how important trees are , in the game they'll start having no food or wood to build , therefore in real life they'll start caring more about trees and actually realize what happens when 1 tree gets cut down.

Story :
You live on an island , build what you need from it's trees reasonably , eat from it's fruit , and drink from the ocean around.
Until one day , a ship full of people comes and decides to move in to the island. They start cutting down a lot of trees excessively to free up space and build houses.
With trees being cut down you start losing resources and can't really keep building your essentials to live , nor eat and live on their fruit.
You will have to start defending your island and what's on it to mark it as your territory by fighting the enemies , plant trees , and using the island resources (trees,fruit,water..etc) reasonably.

Territory will be on steam greenlight soon , and when launched , with each game purchase, 5 trees will be planted by donating money to special trees organizations.

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