
Dungeonhaven named NVIDIA Edge Program Recipient

The Dungeonhaven team is honored to have been named a Nvidia Edge Program Recipient. Dungeonhaven is built in Unreal Engine 4 and is incredibly grateful to the Unreal and Nvidia communities for their support.

From Unreal:
“In an effort to recognize developers that produce visually outstanding works in Unreal Engine and reward them with top-of-the-line hardware, Epic Games partners with NVIDIA to offer the NVIDIA Edge Program through which selected teams receive a GTX 1080 Ti.”

For more: https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/nvidia-edge-program-recipients---may-2018

About Dungeonhaven:

Dungeonhaven, a PC and Console Action-RPG being developed by just two people, has released its first gameplay trailer to Youtube. Planned release is in 2019.

Game description:

"Players take the sword of a knight resurrected from stone, called into the world as a pawn in a war between living dungeons formed from the twisted souls of those trapped within their walls. Manage powers gained from defeating bosses in fast-paced, deterministic combat. Players start with the ability to turn to stone at any moment, even mid attack animation, and will balance other risk/reward powers as they gain them."

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ34HDnZbj8&t=1s

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